Managing Editor

Mashreq Politics and Culture Journal - MPC Journal - © Hakim Khatib

MPC Journal Team

Hakim Khatib,    Aileen Voellger,    Taher Al-Abbsi,    Sarah Ribbert,    Mustafa Karahamad,    Hawre H. Hama

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Mustafa Karahamad - MPC Journal - Managing Editor
© Photo: MPC Journal


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Mustafa Karahamad

Assistant Managing Editor – Arabic page (2017-2019)

Mustafa Karahamad is a Masters student in History and Politics at Siegen University in Germany. Mustafa focuses his research on political culture and media in the region of West Asia and North Africa. In recent years, he has been engaged in projects on education management in refugee camps in Lebanon. In addition to his research on political culture and media and on education management, for which he had finished an internship in education management at the United Nations University in Bonn, he contributes to the MPC Journal as a managing editor for the Arabic Site.[/three_fourth_last]